Forum Revival + New Auth System

Hello, my fellow hackers and human people beings. After several months of this forum basically being dead, I figured it’s time to make a community announcement for once - and revive the site.

A reminder - what is this forum about?

This is the Socially Distant community forum. It’s a place for more long-term discussions about Socially Distant, my up-coming and in-development hacking game.

The forum flatlined months ago due to lack of interest, but it never officially got shut down. I don’t intend to ever do that either. I decided to bring it back because the game is approaching an important milestone and, due to my severe blindness, keeping up with everything on Discord (even outside of the game’s community) can be very challenging for me. That’s why I feel it’s important to have both. That, and this forum is more Googleable than the Discord server since you can’t view discussions on it without having first hoined it (which you totally should!)

New Login System

As part of reviving the forum, I have decided to massively overhaul the login infrastructure here. The goal is to allow you to have one account across all Socially Distant community services, as well as tthose under the broader acidic light umbrella. In the future this will even include the acidic lighthouse IRC server.

Currently, the new authentication system is rolled out to:

This also means that you can now log in to the main site and comment on devlogs, which was previously disabled for spam reasons.

Over the next few days I’ll be extending this to:

…and, like I said, any other future community services!

Social logins

With the new auth service, I’ve added support for logging in with Patreon, Discord, and GitHub. In the future, I will also be allowing login via Steam, however you can blame Valve’s horribly busted implementation of OpenID for why that’s not possible now or for the foreseeable future.

Existing forum accounts

If you have an existing forum account (likely, you don’t), it should theoretically link when you log in through your new acidic light community account. This means any old posts will hopefully still be attributed to you if both accounts used the same email. If, for whatever reason, that doesn’t work…then you will need to get in touch with me and I’ll sort it out manually.

If you need help getting an old account migrated over, just yell at me on Discord or via PMs on here. I may ask for information from your old account to verify who you are before I do anything, but if I know you personally then the migration shouldn’t take too long.